Friday, December 14, 2012


Just how many mass shootings will there be this year? When will something click in the minds of our politicians that will make them say, "Hey, we might need to actually do something about this!"

20 kids were murdered by a Twenty-year old today in Connecticut. 5 months after the mass shooting at a showing of The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora, CO. Between the two, there have been like half a dozen other shootings.

How can anyone feel safe at this point? It's not Al-Qaeda. It's not the Russians. It's not China. It's US. We are hurting (read: killing) ourselves by not fixing this deadly problem. All of those kids should still be alive today, getting ready for Christmas break, but they're not. Because it's way too easy for a person with murder in their heart to obtain a gun. Motherfuck your right to "bear(sic) arms." You can't have that without ensuring everyone else's right to SAFETY. Safety is what should come first.

My heart goes out to all those affected by this tragedy, and all the previous tragedies in these past few months.