Thursday, August 4, 2011


Thursday, February 24th 2011.

A 23-year old daycare operator named Jessica Tata--who had committed arson when she was a student at Taylor High School in Katy--leaves 7 toddlers alone in her house so she can make 'quick' run to Target.

The woman then returned to her home 20 minutes later to see smoke billowing from the house.

It's at this point that she most likely remembered the stove-top boiler she left cooking before she left. It might also have occurred to her that leaving 7 kids, not one of them over the age of 3, alone in a house with an oven on was a dumb ass move.

Before the fire department could arrive, the fire had destroyed most of the home. Four of the kids died, three were critically injured. After initially promising to help authorities in the subsequent investigation, she turned on her heels and fled to her home country of Nigeria. Apparently this woman thought that having already killed four kids, a minor faux pas like fleeing the country in the midst of an investigation would be overlooked.

She didn't stay there long, thankfully. She was extradited back to Texas so now she can face her crimes like a man, which she resembles. She is currently facing murder charges, to which she has plead not guilty (seriously), and bail is set at $1,000,000

Hopefully Jessica will be saying "Tata" to freedom for the rest of her life.

- JP

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