Friday, December 14, 2012


Just how many mass shootings will there be this year? When will something click in the minds of our politicians that will make them say, "Hey, we might need to actually do something about this!"

20 kids were murdered by a Twenty-year old today in Connecticut. 5 months after the mass shooting at a showing of The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora, CO. Between the two, there have been like half a dozen other shootings.

How can anyone feel safe at this point? It's not Al-Qaeda. It's not the Russians. It's not China. It's US. We are hurting (read: killing) ourselves by not fixing this deadly problem. All of those kids should still be alive today, getting ready for Christmas break, but they're not. Because it's way too easy for a person with murder in their heart to obtain a gun. Motherfuck your right to "bear(sic) arms." You can't have that without ensuring everyone else's right to SAFETY. Safety is what should come first.

My heart goes out to all those affected by this tragedy, and all the previous tragedies in these past few months.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


This looks like it could be the biggest year for movies, ever.

The Avengers. Directed by the King of Female-Empowerment, Mr. Joss Whedon. Marvel has been uniting all of it's movie properties into this epic crossover for like 7 years now, and it's finally paying off.

The Amazing Spider-Man. A dark, gritty reboot of an iconic superhero. I hear it was originally called Spider-Man Begins.

Ridley Scott's Prometheus. Some dark sci-fi thriller that apparently takes place in the same universe as Aliens. W00t.

Something called Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. I mean, come on, that sounds fucking rad. Basically the Snakes on a Plane of 2012.

But the movie I'm looking forward to the most is THE DARK KNIGHT RISES.

My excitement for this movie is definitely tainted by the fact that, as we all know, The Joker won't be returning due to Heath Ledger's untimely passing. I am however looking forward to seeing Tom Hardy as Bane. Hardy is an incredible, charismatic actor. From what I've seen of TDKR, Bane has the same sarcastic, cocky attitude as The Joker, but with the added difficulty of being barely audible because of the mask that he wears.
Christopher Nolan says this was intentional to make the audience have to use their brains in order to understand what's going on, and that as long as "audiences get the gist of what he's saying" then everything should be OK.
To me, this sounds like it could end up being a big problem. I watched the first scene and I could understand maybe 10% of what Bane said. It sucks because, having seen his dialogue transcribed, I know his lines are really good, it's just you can't understand him for the most part. Nolan is still insistent on leaving the voice the way it is...

Why won't Christopher Nolan just change the audio mix?
Because some men aren't looking for anything logical. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

Friday, January 6, 2012


It's 2012. The world is ending in a matter of months, so what better time to return to sharing my ridiculous thoughts on the world.
In this rough economic climate, any chance for employment one can find is a blessing. Should you be so lucky to find a decent job, you should do whatever you have to do to stay employed. Even if that means working an absolutely unthinkable 45 hours a week. I've managed to do this since September of last year under highly oppressive work conditions where free lunch is only provided once a week.
This nightmare of a work environment has drained me mentally as well as physically, but as I grow I learn to absorb the blows fate sends my way. Obviously I'm being sarcastic. I'm getting along at my job just fine and I am very grateful for the conditions I work in. Especially at a time when so many Americans can't say the same.